Previous Submissions
Submissions are available for 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2023 reviews. Please note that only suggestions were published in 2003. Suggestions, comments and objections are available from 2007.
Use the drop down menus to filter your search by year. Leave blank to return all submissions.
2023 - Objections
141 Craig Guthrie (206.28 KB) |
142 Stephen Mowle (101.78 KB) |
143 Helen Reilly (319.27 KB) |
144 Kevin Love (837.64 KB) |
145 Dr Bernard Chapman (206.6 KB) |
146 Terri Mowle (101.52 KB) |
147 Kezia Metcalf (228.49 KB) |
148 Tracey Monaghan (886.79 KB) |
149 Margaret Lobegeiger (358.24 KB) |
150 Robyn Cummings (352.37 KB) |
151 Samuel McQuoid (338.32 KB) |
152 Paul Brocklehurst (338.18 KB) |
153 Sharon McMahon (320.32 KB) |
154 Nicole Batten (949.02 KB) |
155 Sandra Deere (320.12 KB) |
156 Danika Brown (939.96 KB) |
157 Linley Cornish (893.34 KB) |
158 Noni Mammatt (373.57 KB) |
159 Douglas Blandford (534.08 KB) |
160 Helen Nepia (815.86 KB) |
161 Blake Newton (340.39 KB) |
162 Lindsay Morrison (393.18 KB) |
163 Irene St (319.22 KB) |
164 Kelli Breen (902.44 KB) |
165 Ken Simpson (341.57 KB) |