Previous Submissions
Submissions are available for 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2023 reviews. Please note that only suggestions were published in 2003. Suggestions, comments and objections are available from 2007.
Use the drop down menus to filter your search by year. Leave blank to return all submissions.
2023 - Objections
116 Sharlene Dalton (208.65 KB) |
117 Andrew Wright (226.92 KB) |
118 Irene Mills (236.45 KB) |
119 Troy Hobbs (209.61 KB) |
120 Sharon Crawford (222.15 KB) |
121 Sharon Crawford (338.49 KB) |
122 Ian Burtenshaw (230 KB) |
123 Matt Norton (160.63 KB) |
124 Matthew Norton (209.3 KB) |
125 Anne Stroud (240.27 KB) |
126 Steve Whyte (229.23 KB) |
127 Wendy Lewer (208.78 KB) |
128 Robyn Oakes (211.59 KB) |
129 Harry Wilkinson (222.8 KB) |
130 Margaret Enright (208.85 KB) |
131 Kathy Samulkiewicz (107.41 KB) |
132 Ian Dickie (209.82 KB) |
133 Mark Ashton (210.45 KB) |
134 Debbie George (104.59 KB) |
135 Paula Moore (210.93 KB) |
136 Dean Arthurell (221.98 KB) |
137 Sue Upton (209.77 KB) |
138 David Trindall (1.05 MB) |
139 Tania Stokes (103.88 KB) |
140 Prudence Pearce (228.74 KB) |