Previous Submissions
Submissions are available for 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2023 reviews. Please note that only suggestions were published in 2003. Suggestions, comments and objections are available from 2007.
Use the drop down menus to filter your search by year. Leave blank to return all submissions.
2023 - Comments
Kathy Hine (670.55 KB) |
Kim Cousens (583.2 KB) |
Lachlan Hunter (2.99 MB) |
Leonie Lemmey (531.84 KB) |
Liam Ward (442.36 KB) |
Liberal Party of Western Australia (310.01 KB) |
Margaret River Regional Environment Centre (631.58 KB) |
Mark Nowicki (706.81 KB) |
Mark Zagar (436.23 KB) |
Megan Simmonds (642.02 KB) |
Merome Beard MLA (2.26 MB) |
Moorie Goodz (945.1 KB) |
Nick Kelly (523.64 KB) |
Noel Whitehead_Redacted (128.75 KB) |
Peta McDonnell (385.88 KB) |
Peter Hare (450.78 KB) |
Peter Rundle MLA (1.41 MB) |
R Tinetti (362.46 KB) |
Rachael Egerton-Warburton (763.01 KB) |
Richard Ananada Barton (987.64 KB) |
Robert Clare (404.22 KB) |
Robyn Cummings (755.53 KB) |
Robyn Geraghty (656.47 KB) |
Rodney Oliver (214.23 KB) |
Sarah Mudge (673.86 KB) |