Previous Submissions
Submissions are available for 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2023 reviews. Please note that only suggestions were published in 2003. Suggestions, comments and objections are available from 2007.
Use the drop down menus to filter your search by year. Leave blank to return all submissions.
2023 - Objections
317 Simon Emmott (1.02 MB) |
318 Hugh Campbell (415.98 KB) |
319 Colleen and David Dew (1 MB) |
320 Tony Kurz (649.61 KB) |
321 Sharelene Dalton (972.78 KB) |
322 Benjamin Close (365.36 KB) |
323 Kevin McLean (1013.62 KB) |
324 Phil Wood (428.62 KB) |
325 Gwen White (545.75 KB) |
326 Christopher Waldie (993.46 KB) |
327 Councillor Dael Sparkman Shire of Perenjori (1.19 MB) |
328 Members of the Bindoon & District Historical Society (1.02 MB) |
329 Marie Waldie (1010.79 KB) |
330 Sheree Chasland (441.54 KB) |
331 Alan Webb (998.3 KB) |
332 Robyn Cummings (1.86 MB) |
333 Kay Stiles (1.21 MB) |
334 Michael Browne (431.36 KB) |
335 Stephanie Browne (445.19 KB) |
336 Michael Browne (985.91 KB) |
337 Norman Zis (911.89 KB) |
338 Betty Rorbye (404.02 KB) |
339 Loomhigh (684.25 KB) |
340 Goesta Richter (714.29 KB) |
341 Barry Brierley (438.75 KB) |