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Previous Submissions

Submissions are available for 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2023 reviews. Please note that only suggestions were published in 2003. Suggestions, comments and objections are available from 2007.

Use the drop down menus to filter your search by year. Leave blank to return all submissions.


2023 - Suggestions

2023 - Suggestions
Shire of Meekatharra (891.2 KB)
Shire of Narrogin (160.48 KB)
Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku (520.21 KB)
Shire of Ravensthorpe (959.33 KB)
Shire of Shark Bay (530.04 KB)
Shire of Toodyay (2.3 MB)
Shire of Yalgoo (1 MB)
The Nationals WA (2.8 MB)
WA Labor (121.66 KB)
WA Liberal Party (1.26 MB)

2023 - Objections

2023 - Objections
001 Tegan Heggingbottom (208.86 KB)
002 Norm and Gloria Green (100.69 KB)
003 Tarliegh Withers (230.15 KB)
004 Beverley Heckingbottom (207.13 KB)
005 Luke Geoffrey Hulm (109.88 KB)
006 Sheryl Horsman (210.01 KB)
007 Adam Sutton (207.37 KB)
008 Paul Sanders and Melanie Blake (102.93 KB)
009 B (Bev) Harris (101.37 KB)
010 Maria Rebane (207.88 KB)
011 Darryl Hardman (102.32 KB)
012 Saul Simpson (206.55 KB)
013 Cliff Hunt (208.24 KB)
014 Tina Broughton (209.1 KB)
015 Stephanie Clarke (104.76 KB)